The Waxing First Quarter Moon in Scorpio, 2023

The moon is in its Waxing First Quarter phase in the sign of Scorpio, before the full Supermoon in Aquarius next week. 

What does the waxing phase represent? 
If we think of it in terms of the seasons, the waxing quarter moon phase would be like the start of Spring. The introspective, introverted Winter season is over and we've gathered enough energy to spring forward into the next phase of our lives. 

Cast your mind back to the intentions you set last week under the dark sky of the moon in Leo. The lioness reminded us to move forward from the heart, to have the self confidence to take centre stage in our lives and to light up the lives of those around us.

But, as we know, both Venus and Chiron are retrograde right now and so this usually outward facing energy of the Lion is actually asking us to focus on our inner confidence, our inner light and core values. 

With the shift of the moon into Scorpio over the next couple of days, it's time to dive deep into our psyche. Scorpio is the sign of self transformation after all, the phoenix who burns everything to the ground to once again rise up stronger and more powerful than ever. 

  • So, what do you need to burn down in order to resurrect as the phoenix or lioness you came here to be? 

  • What's holding you back from shining brightly and letting yourself be seen in your full light? 

“Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate, our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness, that most frightens us. We ask ourselves, Who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, fabulous? Actually, who are you not to be? - Marianne Williamson, a Leonine quote if ever there was one! 

How to work with the first quarter moon energy:

  • Spring is all about fresh starts and so this is the perfect time for new beginnings; to start a new course, to make a new friend, to start a new exercise regime. 

  • Spring is also about growth; what's an area that you could grow in? Maybe you're already a regular gym goer, but could you set yourself up for a sporty challenge? Or, you speak up a lot when you're working with peers, but how about being a bit more bold when it comes to dealing with your superiors at work? Are there any obstacles in your life right now? This could be the time to tackle them head on and to finally come to decision. 

  • Whilst the first quarter phase is quite yang and therefore action-orientated, it is also a good time to pause and take stock of how far you've come on your journey and if you are still moving in the right direction. If so, keep going at full steam and if not, this is a great time to course correct.

If you want to learn more about your personal astrology and how that impacts certain areas of your life, why not book a Yoga & Astrology 1:1? We’ll cover your ‘big 3’ as well as a key area of your journey whether that be relationships, career, family or another key life theme. Read more here or reach out


The Full Moon in Aquarius, 2023


The Cancer New Moon & the Nodal shift to the Aries/Libra axis