Yoga & The Elements

Earth, Air, Water and Fire: Do you know your dominant element?

I’m not necessarily talking about your astrology sign (although it’s likely that this will resonate). I’m referring to a mixture of your astrology and your chakra psychology.

We all have all of the elements within us, but there will be one (or for some two) that appear as the most dominant for you personally and which drive your thoughts, actions, relationships and motivations. Read on to discover more…


 Air types

The thinkers, the dreamers, the creative ideas people. They are logical and analytical though often changeable in both mood and mind. They like to keep busy dotting here, there and everywhere, often wearing themselves out in the process.

At their best - They are social and have friends from all walks of life, loving to talk about varied topics and share stories. They celebrate fairness, and are often champions for justice and equality. 

When out of balance - They are frantic, frazzled and disconnected from their bodies. They are full of ideas but struggle to anchor them in reality. If a problem arises, they will deflect, disassociate or suppress their emotions, becoming emotionally numb.

In relationships - They are idealistic, non-committal, easily distracted by newness and are often accused of ‘being off with the fairies’ instead of present in the relationship. Yet you’ll never be bored with an air type keeping you on your toes.

The greatest lesson for air - Is to take your cues from the earth types (your opposing element) and learn how to ground. Embrace stillness, slowing down, connecting to your body through yoga and other movement styles. Meditate daily and eat nourishing, grounding foods such as root vegetables.


Earth types

The practical, grounded, material ‘sensates’. Earth types are solid and reliable, preferring routine over chaos and are naturally adverse to change. They are sensual, materialistic individuals, satisfied by having their sensory needs met via good food, great sex, art and film.

At their best - They are the loyal secret-keepers, problem solvers and steady, grounded individuals. They are organised and methodical, pre-disposed to succeeding in life via their hard working efforts.

When out of balance - They are unyielding, skeptical and somewhat boring. They can become so attached to their beloved material world yet feel empty and hollow inside, unable to see a way out.

In relationships - Much like in life, they are loyal and reliable, trustworthy and steady. You can count on the earth person to stick around for the long-term as long as you are physically there for them too.

The greatest lesson for the earth type - Just like Earth can teach Air how to ground, Air can return the lesson by showing the Earth person how to adapt and change, move around a little more and embrace the world of ideas. Make movement part of your daily routine and try to avoid overeating and indulging in too much sedentary activities.


Fire types

Fire types are focused and driven. The entrepreneurs of the elements, here to make their mark on the world. They are expressive and dynamic, inclined towards action, they are the go-getters and natural leaders.

At their best - they are charming warriors. Lighting a fire under all of us so that we start to take a step forward instead of just thinking about it. They are visionary, spontaneous, influencing change for both themselves and others.

When out of balance - they are hot-tempered, impatient, unpredictable and unreliable. They can be people pleasers or bullies, and if you get in their way, they are ruthless. Their boundaries are poor which often leads them to let the wrong people in, eventually turning to aggression when things don’t work out as they planned.

The lesson for fire - is to invite some flow and softness in via inspiration from their opposing element water. Going with the flow, adapting, allowing others to take the lead or at least allowing them to share their ideas. Dampen the flames of frustration with cooling foods (cucumber and mint) or by connecting with water via swimming, dancing or expressing yourself through art.


Water types

The water type is fluid and flowing, charismatic and attuned (sometimes consumed) by their emotions. They hold the mother energy and so are supportive, loving and accepting both in their families and in the community.

At their best - they are understanding, influencing, engaging and good at connecting. They are highly adaptable, going with the flow often. Yet, although seemingly soft, remember that water can penetrate the hardest rock.

When out of balance - their emotions will consume them. They are prone to codependence and can be manipulative, unconsciously playing the victim or the martyr.

In relationships - they will deflect or project anything that goes wrong onto their partner, assuming that the problem is them rather than looking at their own shadow. Yet they have the beautiful fluid quality that makes life with a water type nurturing and dreamy.

The lesson for the water type - is to look to fire for inspiration. Going with the flow is such a great way of living, yet occasionally it’s time for decisive action and to lead the way with your creative and dreamy ideas. Invite in some fire-building activities like boxing or running and relish the spice of life via exotic and warming foods.

I share more about the elements and their related chakras in my Sunday evening yin classes. Why not join one week and learn more about yourself both on and off the mat.


Just like the moon, we have our own cycles


Yoga for Beginners - Part 2: How can yoga help to cultivate a healthy mindset?