Just like the moon, we have our own cycles

Ah nature. Whether it’s the tides of the ocean, the seasons, moon cycles or our own menstrual cycle, nature teaches us so much about the phases we go through, of ebbing and flowing, socialising and withdrawing, confidence and self-criticism, especially as women. 

I’ve been following the cycles of the moon for several years now and definitely notice it’s impact on my sleep patterns and therefore my energy levels and mood. With the seasons, I’m very much a summer baby and tend to hibernate through the cooler months, or (when we could) I’d escape to warmer climes to ensure that I didn’t fall into some kind of winter depression. But, it’s only in recent years that I’ve begun to pay more attention to my menstrual cycle and the impact this might have on how much energy I have, my mood, my level of sensitivity and therefore also what I choose to schedule into my days. 

I wanted to share some of the key themes I’ve taken away so that maybe, like me, you can start to adapt your schedule to better suit your energy. 

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The Menstrual phase (around the time of the New Moon) 

Progesterone plunges and your period arrives, lasting anything from three to five days. This is a time when your energy will wane to its lowest point and you might be feeling much less social than usual. 

In relationships: 

Allow yourself this alone time without feeling pressured to socialise. You’ll be back on the upward energy trajectory next week but for now, it’s fine to be slow and quiet and still. It’s a time to journey inwards and listen to your inner wisdom or intuition. 

In work: 

Our culture isn’t exactly set up to honour women’s cycles but when you can, allow yourself some extra breaks, an earlier end to your day or a later start time. Working from home right now will likely feel like a blessing as it’s unlikely you’ll feel like showing up to the office anyway. Instead of pressuring yourself to perform, enjoy this slower pace; take a lunch time nap or indulge in a short sound bath (one of my favourite self-care practices ever!) 

In your yoga practice: 

It’s a great time to practice yin yoga and breathwork, or to take gentle walks in nature, reminding yourself that this is just a phase in the natural cycle and you’ll soon be feeling energised once more. 


The follicular phase (waxing moon phase) 

After our period, we begin to ride on the high of an increased surge of estrogen & testosterone that boosts our mood and energy. 

In our relationships: 

Our libido levels rise and so it’s a great time to book a romantic weekend away, or simply allow for some extra time in bed when you can. It’s also a great time for a party or simply meeting new people as you feel at your most confident and social.

At work: 

You’re feeling at your most assertive and extroverted right now. A great time to schedule an important meeting or initiate a new project. 

In your yoga practice: 

You’ll have more energy than usual and will be more willing to face a challenge head on. Book a power class or maybe try a workshop that will push you to the next level of your practice. 


The ovulation phase (around the time of the Full Moon)

Our oestrogen and testosterone levels are now at their peak.  

In relationships: 

You’re feeling your most attractive right now and your sex drive will be at its highest. Time to schedule a date or, for those who are trying, it’s baby-making time! 

In work: 

Since you’re feeling so good, you’ll find that words and thoughts also flow with ease and so it’s a good time to network, or put yourself out there on social or video. 

In your yoga practice: 

You still have that boost of energy you started to feel in the follicular phase and so anything that requires more energy should be favoured now. Trying out new styles or taking a challenging class will be great for you right now. 


The Luteal phase (waning moon phase) 

At first you’ll still be riding high much like in the ovulation phase but 2-3 days in your estrogen and testosterone will decline and progesterone will kick in. 

In relationships: 

You’ll begin to crave more time alone and should plan your social activities accordingly. It’s a time for rest and self-care, for taking it easy and eating healthily (even though you’ll likely be craving more chocolate and carbohydrates). 

At work: 

You might not want to take on anything extra right now and instead honour the need to slow down a little. In some roles this is easier than others but, if you can, try to avoid adding extra pressure by working in the same way you would when your energy is at its peak. 

In your yoga practice: 

Everyone feels differently during this time but if you are beginning to feel a little more tired than usual, honour your body with a gentler practice; Slow Flow is great for moving your body without pushing it and Yin is ideal for anyone who is needing that extra level of self-love. 


White / Red Moon cycle

Try tracking your cycle over the next few months and see if you notice a pattern in your energy levels and mood. If you’re interested in how this also relates to the moon cycles, read on. 

When your cycle aligns with the New Moon (a white moon cycle) it is believed that you are in tune with mother earth and are therefore ready to become a mother or embrace the typical associations of nurturing and taking care of others in some way. It’s the most common cycle and means that your ovulation likely happens around the time of the Full Moon when energy is said to be at its peak. 

If however, you bleed around the time of the Full Moon (a red moon cycle), you may also be a mother (or wish to be) but you also have the energy of the healer or priestess or wise woman. You’re here to heal, first yourself and then to empower those around you. 


Study thy self, discover the divine


Yoga & The Elements