The Full Moon in Pisces, August 2023

The Pisces Full Moon is making her way to fullness and with six planets currently retrograde, you may be feeling this one more than usual.

Because not only is it a full moon, it’s a SUPER Moon (when the moon is closer to the earth and therefore appears bigger in the sky) & a BLUE moon (when we have two full moons in one month).

Everything is being magnified right now, the moon is pulling on the tides and our emotions…

Our awareness in particular is being illuminated, and it wants us to look within; to feel everything more deeply, to notice what we’ve been pushing below the surface and to allow it to rise.

As a water sign, Pisces wants us to connect to our emotions, our intuition and femininity. Just like the ocean, Pisces energy is vast.

Symbolised by the two fish swimming in opposite directions, we are being reminded to float high above the superficial aspects of life, to embrace our connectedness to the whole, AND we are also being reminded to go with the flow of the human experience, to stay connected to others and to ground when we want to drift into fantasy.

Under this lunar energy, let go of the masculine energy that needs to control and force, and drop into the fluid feminine who understands that there is no control, all we can do is surrender!

If this feels like an intense few days, know that you are not alone. Allow yourself plenty of alone time, listen to your intuition and drop into your emotions instead of fighting them. If you need to cry, allow the tears to flow and if all else fails, get into the water and allow the cleansing energy to wash away all that is no longer supporting you.

Some journal prompts for the Full Moon in Pisces:

  • What old / limiting beliefs are you clinging to? The moon will be highlighting them at this time.

  • Since we’re also in Virgo Season, where are you stopping yourself from moving forward because of perfectionist tendencies, instead of allowing them to be as they are?

  • In which areas are you drifting off into fantasy land, instead of staying grounded in reality?

If you want to learn more about your personal astrology and how that impacts certain areas of your life, why not book a Yoga & Astrology 1:1? We’ll cover your ‘big 3’ as well as a key area of your journey whether that be relationships, career, family or another key life theme. Read more here or reach out


The New Moon in Virgo, September 2023


The Full Moon in Aquarius, 2023