Pluto shift from Capricorn to Aquarius (& what that means)

Today, Pluto, the planet of death, destruction and transformation shifts into the heart of the sun and then shortly after it changes signs from where it has been hanging out for the last 15 years (in Capricorn), into the airy sign of Aquarius, and it’s going to have an impact on all of us…

Pluto is all about power dynamics and whilst Pluto was in Capricorn, our boundaries were being tested. We saw an intense period of old structures breaking down, being exposed and rebuilt.

With Capricorn’s natural ambition and focus on career, we also began to seek a life path that reflected our true self, rather than following the old ways of working.

Now, with the shift into Aquarius, we are beginning to look at our sense of personal power within our social structures, friendships, groups, and communities.

Aquarius is the sign of the outsider, the quirky individual who doesn’t quite fit in, but who always wants what’s best for the collective.

If that sounds like you, then I have some good news, because now it’s your time to shine, to be authentically who you are and to let all parts of you that you’ve kept hidden come to light.

If you have personal planets (sun, moon or rising signs in particular) in Aquarius, Leo, Taurus or Scorpio, you’re going to feel the Plutonian affect most significantly.

Whilst as humans we are often scared by the idea of change, loss, death and destruction, we’re being asked to embrace this transformation and trust that nothing that is truly meant for us will be removed.

A reflection / journal prompt for you:

Since Pluto deals with the idea of power, where in your life you’ve been giving your power away? This is where you’re being called to evolve.

This evolution may not feel comfortable at first, change rarely is. By the time this new era is over, we’ll barely recognise ourselves, but the changes that will have transpired will be for the better!

Yogis, use this time to nurture your sense of personal power, by connecting with your solar plexus.


Boundaries & healthy communication in relationships


Libra Season & The Autumn Equinox, 2023