Indecision vs Intuition

Did you know that high levels of stress can impact our ability to connect with our gut instincts / intuition? 

"Neurobiological research has revealed a complex communication system between the sheaths of the millions of neurons embedded in the gut walls and the limbic brain that is integral to our decision-making....the gut-brain system helps govern not only the healthy functioning of our digestive system but also complex brain functions including motivation and access to deeper wisdom". (Dr Tara Swart) 

When our bodies are on 'high alert' due to high amounts of stress, blood is directed away from our digestive system and into the arms and legs, preparing us to 'fight, or fly'. When we get stuck in this over-aroused state for long periods of time, our bodies are less able to cope with anything that doesn't directly relate to our immediate survival needs. 

Our digestion and reproductive capabilities suffer, but so do our decision-making, creative thinking and our ability to trust our own intuition.

I know that when I was experiencing high levels of persistent stress, I went from being someone who was very decisive and clear on what I did and didn't want, to someone who outsourced all of my decision-making and ignored my gut instinct which was screaming at me to get out of the situation that was causing all of the stress in the first place.

If you're struggling with indecision and the inability to tap into your intuition, practice daily journaling to unpick your thoughts and feelings. Maybe you feel unable to make a decision in the moment, or unable to tap into your inner wisdom, but over time a story will weave itself into your consciousness that's impossible to ignore.

Recently, I found myself questioning my instincts once more and so I looked back at some journalling I'd done six months prior and realised that I'd been questioning the same situation back then. Sometimes we don't get clarity in the moment, but time and space never fails to reveal what we already feel. 

If you’d like to learn more about; how to turn down the volume on your inner negative narrative, to build confidence and self-belief, to reset your nervous system and create stronger boundaries that protect your sensitive nature so that you’re free to focus on pursuing a life and career that lights you up, schedule a free 15-minute chemistry call to discover how we can work together through coaching to help you to build stronger inner foundations.


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