The Full Moon in Virgo & the waning lunar phase

Last night we had the full moon in Virgo, the last full moon of this astrological year before we move into the new year at the end of this month when the sun transitions into Aries. 

Virgo is the perfectionist of the zodiac, they hold themselves and others to high standards and can be a little critical. When the moon is in Virgo, all of the ways we hold ourselves to these impossibly high standards are highlighted, in order to help us to heal. Heal the voice in our heads that tells us we're not good enough, heal the toxic behaviours that sabotage our advancement, heal the need to be perfect so that instead, we can be happy. 

As the moon reached it's peak, we also had another major transition in the skies. Saturn, the taskmaster of the zodiac moved from airy Aquarius into the floaty world of Pisces. For the next three years, Saturn will swim in the mystical waters of the fish, a place where it is not necessarily comfortable because Saturn and Pisces have such opposite energies. 

Where Saturn wants structure, Pisces wants flexibility.
Where Saturn wants rules and responsibility, Pisces wants to dissolve boundaries. 
Where Saturn asks us to get serious, Pisces probes us to dream. 

It's going to be an interesting three years! 

But, back to the moon. 

Now that the moon has reached its peak, its energy will begin to wane. From now until the next New Moon (on March 21) we're being given an opportunity to release and heal all that was illuminated under the light of the full moon. It's time to take a look at the wounds, ideas and beliefs that are no longer serving us and to do the work to let them go. 

Typically at this time, our energy is also waning. For many of us, it will line up with the luteal phase of our period, when we wish to retreat from the world and turn inwards. We can also compare it to the late autumn months, just before winter really sets in. Think of it as a time to tend to the soil, dig up the weeds and leave only the rich fertilised earth so that we're ready to plant new seeds when the new moon arrives. 

Next classes: 

Something that was highlighted for me under this Full Moon was just how much I need a real rest and so, even though teaching is a respite for me, I decided to truly honour my bodies battlecries for a complete break and I will be back on the mat post-holiday.

Next Lunar Yin Yoga class - Thursday 23rd March 7:30pm CEST
Next Sunday Chakra Flow class - Sunday 26th March 11am 


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